Soul Medicine Meditation
Does your soul need some medicine?
Would you like to shut down the outside world for just one hour, work on regulating your nervous system, reduce stress and calm your mind and body?
This class is a very soothing and positive uplifting meditation which includes EFT Tapping, affirmations, abundance breathing, manifestation activations and so much more, this class will assist in soothing your soul, resetting your nervous system, raising your vibration and elevating your mood.
All you have to do is close your eyes and use your imagination.
This class is a journey within, an internal healing. In this class there is no sharing or making small talk, (yep the pressure is off!!!!). However if you need to discuss or ask questions, please see me after class.
This class is held in my pet free, child free, home studio, I ask that everyone practice silence upon entering and leaving the house. This will enhance your calming experience upon walking in and your peaceful feeling upon walking out.
Location: Yanchep Home Studio
Days & Times: Mondays (fortnightly)
6-7pm Yanchep Home Studio
Price: $20 Per class
Click below to book in