What is Hypnosis?
The aim of hypnosis is to reprogram your subconscious mind to automatically think differently. Your subconscious mind is where all your memories are stored, it stores all your habits of thinking and acting, when you drive somewhere and you don’t know how you got there, that is the subconscious mind working…if we can train the subconscious mind to act and think differently we can eliminate past behaviours that do not serve us..
Hypnosis is benefited by repetition. You can reprogram your thought patterns through hypnosis and positive affirmations, forcing it to believe the opposite of what it believes now. We talk to the subconscious mind in the state of theta which is the state just before sleep..
Don’t worry, hypnosis is NOT SCARY! ….Quite the opposite, hypnosis in my opinion is a very relaxing experience, think of it like meditation with a goal……
Personalised Hypnosis Recording
I can deliver a personalised recording designed just for you including your own unique triggers and goals etc right into your in box for a once off price.
Once you have purchased your Personalised Hypnosis Recording there will be a questionnaire asking your triggers, fears and goals etc.
*Turnaround time is 2-7 days
*Listen daily for 21-28 days
*includes a video with bonus coping tips
*includes a video of a bonus tool for coping with cravings/stress etc