Sunday June 16th 2024
OMG!!!! ITS HERE!!!!!
Happy Dreaming brings you a Special Event on
Sunday 16th June 2pm-3:30pm
@ the Yoga Corner Duncraig
It’s the “Wear that Dress” Dance Chi and Meditation Special Event
Everyone has that Amazing Dress that they’ve only worn once or twice in their wardrobe right?
Well here is your permission to wear it again 🤩 get it out dust it off so you can look and feel like the sexy Diva that you are….
Come and feel like a Goddess, completely free and light as a feather.
Do you currently feel disconnected from your body?
Want to ignite your energy and set your soul on fire?
Introducing a new way of moving your body that is simple and easy to follow. Just 2 to 3 gentle moves mixed with affirmations repeated throughout each song. This practice will get your chi (life force energy) flowing, increasing your circulation and raise your vibration while calming your nervous system.
Come and shut down your monkey mind, while still moving your body, slowly to the flow of your own breath.
We start and finish each class with some EFT (tapping) to clear any stagnate energy, to ground you and calm your nerves.
Great for getting you out of your head, into your body and express that sexy goddess that may be lying deep within.
Benefits are:
* mood booster
* loosen up your body
* improve circulation
* lower stress and anxiety
* improve focus
* improve balance and coordination
* boost confidence
* get back your mojo
* get in touch with your feminine
This will renew your energy and give you a massive confidence boost.
We then head into a full body shutdown and a confidence activation meditation, to leave you feeling in total bliss 🙏
Sounds amazing right?
Bring your mum, bring your best friend or come alone and make it a day of self love 🥰
$35 which will last for one week only, (till 30th May) then price goes up to $45.
See ya there 💜